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Kitchen Table Series: Black Women and Social Activism

Posted by on Monday, February 17, 2020 in Archives, News.

Tuesday, February 18
5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sarratt 189

Overcoming violence and oppression is a key goal of the feminist movement. Black cis and trans women have been revolutionary in calling attention to racial issues both within and beyond the feminist movement. In 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement emerged in response to the numerous killings of unarmed black men and women. But, in the midst of sensationalization of the Black Lives Matter movement, black women have gotten far less attention by the media and larger population. This KTS will call attention to the role of women in the BLM movement, the cis and trans women that are victims of police violence, and how feminism as a whole needs to expand the way we understand state oppression.

KTS begins at 5pm and seating is capped at 30 people. Dinner provided.