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LGBTQI Life Trans* Pride Days 2014

Posted by on Monday, March 24, 2014 in Archives, News.

Critical Trans Politics & the Limits of Law
Presented by  Dean Spade, Author, Normal Life: Administrative Violence
Thursday April 3rd 6:30 pm Student Life Center Board of Trust Room 

Dean Spade is an activist and associate professor at the Seattle University School of Law and is currently a fellow in the Engaging Tradition Project at Columbia Law School. In 2002 he founded the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, a non-profit collective that provides free legal help to low-income people and people of color who are trans, intersex and/or gender non-conforming and works to build trans resistance rooted in racial and economic justice.

Part of LGBTQI LIfe Trans* Pride Days 2014

(IM)possible Politics: Health Justice, Carceral Systems and Trans Activist Connections
Panelists: Dean Spade, Ben Singer (Women’s and Gender Studies), E. Kale Edmiston (Neuroscience Graduate Program), Asher Kolieboi (Graduate student in Divinity), & Lisa Guenther (Associate Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt and member of REACH Coalition and Tennessee Students and Educators for Social Justice)
Friday April 4th 1-3pm Buttrrick 102 

Followed by a reception in Buttrick 123 starting at 3pm.

Part of LGBTQI Life Trans* Pride Days 2014

Additional LGBTQI Life Trans* Pride Days 2014 events include:

TGI-Make Your Own GenderBread Person-F
Friday April 4th
12-1pm K.C. Potter Center 

LGBTQI Life Safe Zone Workshop
Tuesday April 8th
Sarratt 189

Trans* Clothes Swap at the Gender Gap
Tuesday April 8th
4-6:30pm Oasis Center
