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Outdoor Recreation

Posted by on Monday, April 15, 2013 in Archives, News.

APR 19 – 20   (Fri. – Sat.)
CAMPING & HIKING @ Waterfall Tour: Cumberland Plateau, TN
Cost: $49   /   Sign-up by:  Mon, Apr 15  /   Pre-Trip Meeting:   Tue, Apr 16 at 6 pm

We will camp at the popular Fall Creek Falls State Park, and check out their three waterfalls in the morning.   Then we-€™ll drive over to the Laurel Falls trailhead to hike an 8-mile moderately difficult trail.     Features include a beautiful creek, house-sized boulders, scenic overlooks, and the spectacular Laurel Falls.  Estimated trip duration: 6 pm Fri -€“ 10 pm Sat.

APR 21   (Sun)
KAYAK TOURING @ Center Hill Lake, TN
Cost: $37   /   Sign-up by:  Mon, Apr 15  /   Pre-Trip meeting:   Tue, Apr 15 at 5 PM

Kayak touring is a fun, relaxing way to explore a lake.   We will spend part of the day paddling around on scenic Center Hill Lake in middle Tennessee.   Highlights will include wooded shorelines and checking out a cove or two.   Beginners are welcome.   All paddling equipment is provided.   Estimated trip duration:   8 am -€“ 5 pm.

MAY 2 -€“ 5 (Thu -€“ Sun)
BACKPACKING @ Great Smoky Mountain National Park, TN
Cost: $115   /   Sign-up by:  Thu, Apr 18
/   Pre-Trip Meeting: Mon, Apr 22 at 5 PM

Springtime in the Smokies: a perfect way to round off another semester at Vanderbilt! We plan on hiking three 5-8 mile days up, down, and around the Smokies. Specific trails are still to be determined. Beginners are welcome, but you need to be in shape, as the terrain will be challenging! Be prepared for all types of weather. Est. trip duration: 6 pm Thurs. -€“ 8 pm Sun.

May 18 -€“ 26 (Sat to Sun)
@  Buffalo National River, Arkansas
Cost: $390 /    Sign-up by: Thu, Apr 18   /   Pre-Trip Meeting:   Fri, May 3 at 4:30 pm.
Bring $100 cash, check or Vanderbilt Card to register.

The Buffalo National River of northwest Arkansas is one of America-€™s finest free flowing rivers. This entire trip will be in the national park; the Buffalo was the first river named as a national river in the United States. We plan on paddling 63 miles in 7 days on this beautiful river. The first day will have some whitewater rapids, but the rest of the trip will be a moderate to easy Class 1 float. Massive limestone bluffs, waterfalls, and side hikes will add to the fun of this trip. We will camp every night on the river in either a developed campsite or along a more remote gravel bar. We will have one day of rest, where we will not pack up and paddle. We will be primarily paddling canoes, 2 people plus gear per boat. We will also have 2-3 long kayaks on the trip to give everyone the chance to paddle a kayak. Previous paddling experience is helpful, but not required. Participants must know how to swim. We will stay in a cheap hotel on the last night of the trip, in Conway, Arkansas. Participants are expected to attend two Pre-Trip Meetings. Estimated trip duration: 7:00 AM Sat. to 4 PM Sun.

Cost includes: Van transportation, on-the-river food, hotel at the end of the trip, group camping equipment, river bags, paddling jackets, canoes, kayaks, and paddling gear.  Space is limited to the first 12 people that sign up, so don-€™t delay.


To sign up for a trip, come to the Outdoor Recreation Center (ORC), located on 2600 Children’s Way, kind of behind the Student  Rec. Center, and pay a deposit or the full amount of the trip.     The ORC accepts cash, check, and the Vanderbilt Commodore Card.   For more info on trips, workshops, and equipment rentals, check out the web at  .


Outdoor Recreation Hours:
Mon and Fri 12 noon – 6 p.m.
Tue, Wed, and Thu 3 p.m. – 6 p.m.