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Register to Vote or Check Your Registration Today!

Posted by on Saturday, August 22, 2020 in Archives, News.

Register to Vote or Check Your Registration Today!

Deadline to register to vote in Tennessee is Oct. 5

Voter registration deadlines are quickly approaching! The deadline to register to vote in Tennessee is Monday, Oct. 5, but registration laws and deadlines vary from state to state. With the challenges associated with the coronavirus pandemic it is more important now than ever to register to vote and create your voting plan as soon as possible. Use the to walk through the questions that you should ask yourself to determine where and how you will register to vote and cast your ballot, and visit the for even more information and resources.

Please note: In Tennessee, if you have never voted in your county before and you registered to vote by mail or online, then you must vote IN-PERSON the first time you vote (retrieved from the ).

All members of the Vanderbilt community have an important role to play, regardless of their eligibility to vote. The following are other opportunities for civic participation:

  • Canvass or phone bank on behalf of a candidate you support
  • Contact elected officials to advocate for a cause
  • Raise awareness about key issues on social media
  • Get involved with local advocacy groups
  • Attend community meetings or hearings (many are streamed viz Zoom!)

Please contact oacs@vanderbilt.edu with any questions.