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Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted by on Monday, April 17, 2017 in Archives, News.

Thistle Farms: A Message of Hope and Resilience

Monday, Apr. 17, 2017
Alumni Lounge
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

As part of Project Safe’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Project Safe is excited to welcome Shelia Simpkins, a graduate of the Thistle Farm’s Magdalene program, to speak about her path to healing. Shelia will share how she has learned to turn her past experiences into the driving force behind her desire to help those who are victims of trafficking. Through her work at Thistle Farms, Shelia has gained a sense of empowerment which she uses to instill hope in others.

Thistle Farms is a local organization that houses the Magdalene project which provides homes for women survivors of trafficking, addiction, and prostitution. Today the residential program of Thistle Farms provides housing for up to 32 women and serves hundreds more with advocacy and referral services. The residential program offers housing, medical care, therapy, education and job training for two years, without charging women or receiving government funding.