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Posted by on Sunday, September 18, 2011 in Archives, News.

It-聙聶s TGILGBTQIF* and we-聙聶re Celebrating Bisexuality!
Bring your lunch over to the KC Potter Center and celebrate bisexuality, pansexuality and fluid sexuality.
Friday, September 23rd, 12-1:30pm
KC Potter Center
For more information, please contact Elizabeth Gaught at 聽elizabeth.m.gaughf@vanderbilt.edu, or 322-3330

Celebrate Bisexuality Day with -聙聹Bi The Way-聙聺
After TGI stick around for the screening of -聙聹Bi The Way-聙聺, where the directors journey through the US, investigating the latest scientific reports and social opinions on bisexuality, while following five members of the -聙聹whatever generation-聙聺 – teens and twenty-somethings who seem to be ushering in a whole new sexual revolution.
Friday, September 23rd, 2-4pm
KC Potter Center

* Thank Goodness it-聙聶s LGBTQI Friday.

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