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The Ingram Commons First-Generation College Students Dean’s Dinner

Posted by on Monday, September 7, 2020 in Archives, News.

Wed., September 9
6:30 p.m. CT

Please join us for our FIRST Dean’s Dinner of 2020, for First Generation College Students. Being a first-generation college student means that you don’t have a parent or guardian who has personal experience attending a four-year college or university in the United States. Dean’s dinners are opportunities to come together to share a meal and a conversation. This year our Dean’s Dinners will be virtual, so grab your dinner and then log into our Zoom meeting for a conversation with FirstVU exec members and other first-generation students on campus. Learn about resources, ways to get involved, and tips for your first year at Vanderbilt.

Sponsor: The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons

Contact Person: Melissa Gresalfi, melissa.gresalfi@vanderbilt.edu