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Win an iPad!

Posted by on Sunday, April 1, 2012 in Archives, News.

The Anchor Link site   is live, and we now invite students to participate in the design of headers that will rotate on the site.
Although new headers will be solicited from time to time, the deadline for the initial competition is by no later than noon, on Monday, April 16. The grand prize will be an iPad.  Movie ticket coupons will be issued to other students whose designs are selected for inclusion in the rotation. All designs submitted become the property of ѿý.
Only designs that conform to the specifications delineated below, can be considered. Entries will be judged on  elements of design,  fit with Vanderbilt -€œbrand,-€  expression of co-curricular engagement, and  appeal to the judges-€™ aesthetics.
We-€™re looking forward to seeing the products of your vivid imaginations.
Using Vshare   , submit header designs with your
Name, school, @vanderbilt.edu email address, and a phone number to  anchorlink@vanderbilt.edu. If you submit multiple designs, please upload only a single, compressed folder.
Let the games begin!
Image size limits: 960px x 150 px (if smaller, image will be aligned left)
File size limit: 100KB
File tipes: JPG (RGP, only), PNG, GIF


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