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World on Wednesdays

Posted by on Monday, September 11, 2017 in Archives, News.

World On Wednesday presents: “Reproductive Health Knowledge Among Women in Uganda
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Sarratt Student Center 325/327 – Open to the Public
Food and refreshments will be provided

Come and hear from Megan Nocita, class of 2018, majoring in Medicine, Health, and Society, and Spanish. While in Uganda, she noticed that the barriers to sexual and reproductive health were more strongly related to education and policy than availability. As a result, she has chosen to study the social and educational barriers preventing women from accessing healthcare. Accompanying lunch will be her presentation of her studies, findings, and insights on this delicate yet paramount issue.

Sponsored by: International Student and Scholar Services
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