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Official Notice: Vacant Spaces

Posted by on Sunday, August 28, 2011 in Archives, Official Notices.

Official Notice The Office Of Housing And Residential Education: VACANT SPACES IN DOUBLES, LODGES,  APARTMENTS AND SUITES

Jason A. Jakubowski, Director of Housing Assignments

Our office has already received a large number of room change requests. We do not anticipate our roster check identifying many canceled single rooms. As a consequence, we anticipate assigning a significant number of students to vacant spaces in doubles, lodges, apartments and suites. All vacant spaces are subject to assignment by this office at any time.

The room change period will be held from September 12-18. Students seeking room changes should meet with their Area Coordinator. They should provide their Area Coordinator with letters describing their reasons for requesting room changes and their housing preferences. Assistant Directors will announce room change decisions no later than September 16. Students whose room change requests are granted must move to their new assignments during the weekend of  September 16-18.

If there is a vacant space in your double, lodge, apartment or suite, you have two options:

  • Do nothing. The Office of Housing and Residential Education may assign the space to a student seeking a room change. New roommates should be treated with courtesy and respect. They have contractual rights to their new assignments.
  • You may consolidate with another student living on-campus by having this person move to your room or by moving to a vacant space in another person-€™s room. If you select this option, both you and the other student should see Mrs. Spencer, the Undergraduate Housing Registrar, as soon as possible. Please note that the person moving must check out of his/her room, remove all of his/her belongings, completely vacate his/her current room, and move to his/her new assignment before September 15. Failure to do so may result in the loss of the room change and the assignment of the vacant space to another student. We cannot permit a student to -€œtie up-€ two spaces (his/her old and new assignments) during this critical period.


Students with questions about room change policies and procedures should contact their Area Coordinators at 2-2591.


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