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How to Stop Unwanted Mail

Unwanted mail can be a hassle for both you and the environment. We encourage you to follow the below steps to help eliminate unwanted mail delivery at your office or home. You can also follow these steps to stop unwanted mail deliveries to staff or faculty members who are no longer in your department.
Remove addresses from business mailing lists

  • Mail a list of the names/addresses you want removed from business mailing lists to: American Business Information
    ATTN: Operation Database Maintenance
    PO Box 27347
    Omaha, NE 68127-0347
  • Be sure to include a note that states that you want these addresses removed from mailing lists

Remove addresses from personal mailing lists

  • Remove names/addresses from personal mailing lists online through the .
  • Online is the preferred method of removing names from personal mailing lists, but you can also mail a list of the names/addresses you want removed to:
    Mail Preference Service
    c/o Direct Marketing Association
    PO Box 3861
    Grand Central Station
    New York, NY 10163-3861
  • If you decide to mail your request, be sure to include a note that states that you want these addresses removed from mailing lists.

Other online resources
You can also use the following Web sites to remove yourself from mailing lists.

  • To stop unwanted pre-screened credit card offers, visit 
  • For environmentally conscious mailing tips, visit 
  • To stop catalog mailings, visitÂ