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Transfer Student Move-in Information


Mail Services processes all incoming mail and packages for students, faculty, staff, and departments. Presented below is information you need to know before mailing or shipping items to campus.ÌýÌý

Move-In ONLY - Special Instructions for Packages Sent to Fall 2024 Transfer Students

  • Packages sent to campus for the move-in period should be shipped via UPS Ground or FedEx Ground, other carriers will be accepted.Ìý
  • Please do not ship packages prior to August 2nd, 2024.
  • We recommend not using Home Depot, Lowes or U-Haul boxes, as they do not hold up. Tape excessively!
  • Package all items securely and add extra protection for fragile items.Ìý Use filler for empty space in boxes to avoid breakage. Packages should not weigh over 50 pounds unless it is one single item, i.e. refrigerator, futon, etc.
  • Using the Address Format below, the student’s full given proper name and the campus address should be clearly marked on all packages. DO NOT ADDRESS PACKAGES TO A RESIDENCE HALL. ÌýPackages should be numbered (for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3) if shipping multiple packages.
  • Please use shipping boxes that your student will be able to carry/handle.
  • We recommend insuring packages for the value of the contents. UPS and Fed Ex Ground insure each package for up to $100 and provide a tracking number for each package free of charge. Please note the tracking number for each package and bring tracking numbers to package pick-up for confirmation of delivery.
  • We strongly suggest not using Walmart for purchases. Their delivery methods are less than reliable, and they leave items all over campus. If you use Walmart we will not be responsible for items delivered incorrectly.




Picking Up Packages during Move-in:ÌýÌý

Packages shipped using the above instructions to Vanderbilt for transfer students will be ready for pickup at the Student Life Center Garage temporary location (adjoins Branscomb just off Vanderbilt Place) or the Station B Post Office beginning on your move-in date: Students will get an email package notification for each package received in their name. The package notification will tell you the date and time received, carrier, tracking #, along with the pick- up location (Temporary location or Station B) of the package.

  • Temporary location is open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F and 8:00A.M. To 4:00 p.m. Saturday Aug 17th.
  • Sunday August 18th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.



General Information

Mailing Instructions Ìý All undergraduate students’ campus virtual mailboxes are located at Station B Post Office, in the lower level of Rand Hall, directly below Vanderbilt Dining. ÌýTherefore, all mail and packages—whether via the United States Postal Service, UPS, DHL, FedEx, or any other carrier—must be sent to your Vanderbilt Post Office address. This address for mail and packages will remain the same for the student’s entire undergraduate degree and will not change. Mail and packages never should be addressed to students’ residence halls.


Address Format Your Private Mail Box number may be obtained by going to our webpageÌý and on the right side of the main page click on "Mail Forwarding/Address Information".Ìý Login and authenticate yourself, you will see a "Mailbox forwarding page" click there. Look for "Box assignment", this will be your 4 digit Private Mailbox Number (PMB) for the shipping of all mail and packages while at Vanderbilt. You do not have to add the "B" at the end of the 4 digit number. DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES ON THIS PAGE! This is only for identifying your PMB number. All packages should be addressed to the student’s PMB Address as formatted/shown below:


Student Name

PMB 35XXXX (X = your assigned 4-digit PMB number)

2301 Vanderbilt Place

Nashville, TN 37235-XXXX (X = your assigned 4-digit PMB number)


Station B Post Office (Rand Hall) Ìý the main campus post office is located in the lower level of Rand Hall, directly below Rand dining. Station B offers all USPS post office services, with the exception of passports and money orders.

Normal Business Hours

Post Office Service Window:Ìý Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Package Window Only:Ìý Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p. m. during the first 2 weeks

of a new semester only, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday, 8 a.m. to Noon, when classes are in session

Students can pick-up mail with their packages at the Station B Package window, or come to the dedicated Mail Only pick-up window also located at the Station B Package counter. Mail can be picked up M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 a.m. to noon on Saturday. For questions call the Station B Post Office 615-322-2934




  1. Mail Services accepts the Commodore Card and credit cards only.


  1. NEVER SEND CASH IN THE USPS MAIL OR CAMPUS MAIL.Ìý We will not be responsible for lost cash.


  1. Items provided by University Mail Services:
  • Insured, international, certified, registered, signature and delivery conformation services can be purchased Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Express services can be purchased Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.


  1. In order to ensure that an item reaches the right student in a timely manner, always legibly print his or her full name (not a nickname) as registered at Vanderbilt, as well as the student’s PMB mailbox number, on all mail and packages.Ìý This may require that you give extra instructions to other mailers.Ìý For example, cellular telephones often are registered in a parent’s name.Ìý If a replacement telephone is mailed by an insurer, the address might list the parent’s name instead of the student’s name, thereby delaying delivery.Ìý Finally, be sure to include the return address on the envelope. ÌýPrinted mailing labels are helpful and encouraged.


  1. When sending packages to campus:
  • If the shipper indicates that they do not deliver to a box number, indicate that the item is being shipped to a street address – 2301 Vanderbilt Place. Be sure to include the PMB mailbox # and zip+4 to identify the student. ÌýThis street address and zip code are unique to the Vanderbilt Station B Post Office.
  • Allow adequate time for packages to arrive after ordering or mailing.
  • When trying to locate a package, please have the tracking number, carrier used (DHL, USPS, FED-EX, UPS), and other specific information about the package.
  • If you have the tracking number of a package you are expecting, you can visit our website and track the package to see if it has arrived on campus.


  1. Campus Mailboxes Fees:Ìý
  • Undergraduate students who live on campus are given a mailbox free of charge.
  • Students who have off-campus privileges or study abroad will be charged for a mailbox on a per semester fee ($25.00).
    • Students who study abroad are charged the per semester fee to hold the mailbox in their absence. This ensures they will have the same PMB number upon their return.
    • Students who have off-campus privileges are charged a box fee. If you do not wish to have a mailbox on campus, you must contact Station B Post Office prior to the second week of the semester to be removed from the mailbox. Mailbox charges will not be removed after the second week of any semester.
    • Students who reliquish their mailbox for any reason will need to obtain a new PMB address from the Station B Post Office prior to shipping anything to campus, or your items may be returned to sender.



Fall 2024